Bravo, Bloggers!

Bravo, Bloggers!

Today, in the spirit of the Ms. Foundation’s Outrageous Acts campaign, I want to give some shout-outs to folks doing great stuff.  My hope is that we can all stop feeling alone in the wilderness and start building a vibrant virtual community to bring an end to the violence.

Bravo!  Marcella Chester:  Abyss 2 Hope

In May 2006, she created the “Carnival Against Sexual Violence” and invites other bloggers ~ women and men ~ to submit “personal stories, creative expression (poetry, art, etc.), legal issues, media watch, raising awareness, solutions and more.”  The carnival is held the 1st and 15th of every month.

Is Infidelity Abuse? 

Leslie Morgan Steiner, the mommy blogger and author of Crazy Love, graduated from Harvard and Wharton’s business school.  She’s using her platform to break down the wall of silence and hold Tiger Woods accountable:

“Infidelity ~ especially repeat incidents when the victim is pregnant and recovering from childbirth ~ IS a form of abuse.  When I was pregnant, I needed my husband’s fidelity more than anyone could have ever imagined. . .I suspect a lot of women share my empathy for how angry she must have been and must still be. “

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