
Lighthouse by Carole May

Impact of Domestic Abuse on Health    

Physical abuse is no longer just about bruises and broken bones. Emotional abuse is about more than hurt feelings.    

The long-term health impacts of domestic violence (DV) are being characterized as “epidemic” and a “national scourge” by Robert S. Thompson, MD, because DV affects between 25% and 54% of women in their adult lifetimes, and a disproportionate number of these women experienced physical or sexual abuse as a child. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,200 women are killed (three each day) and 2 million are injured each year from intimate partner violence (IPV). This impacts 15.5 million children.    


 Bravo: “Silenced” by Rikki King, Everett (WA) Daily Herald

The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence began reviewing every domestic violence fatality in the state 13 years ago. . .
The study looks for the gaps in services ~ the moment when victims exhausted their cries for help.  Researchers found that nearly every person they studied sought help in some wayRead more. . .
Peace at Home Linked to Success at School

Which sitcom/movie family is most like your home environment:  

a)  The Cosby Show [Huxtable family]  

b)  Everybody Loves Raymond [Barone family]  

c)  Ordinary People [Jarrett family in Lake Forest, IL]  

If you answered “a,” you can stop reading and call your parents to thank them for giving you a solid foundation in life.  

If you answered “b” or “c,” you will probably be interested in the research of psychology professors Melissa Sturge-Apple and Patrick Davies at the University of Rochester in New York.  Read more. . .   

Alice Miller: Breaking Down the Wall of Silence    

Painting by Alice Miller Painting by Alice Miller

Alice Miller was born in 1923. She received her PhD from the University of Basle and worked as a psychotherapist in Zurich, Switzerland for 20 years. Since 1980, she has been the intellectual warrior leader for abused children around the world.    

Her initial motivation was to understand Adolph Hitler. She believes there is a direct link between child abuse/domestic violence and world peace. To this end, enlightened/helping witnesses are the key.    

Sen. Harry Reid: More Jobs = Less Domestic Violence  

The NNEDV, relying on statistics from the National Institute of Justice, confirms the link between domestic violence and unemployment:  

The poor economy can fuel the fire of domestic violence and limit options for victims to escape. . .  

In couples in which the male is always employed, the rate of violence is 4.7%.  The rate rises to 7.5% when the male experiences one period of unemployment and to 12.3% when he experiences two or more periods of unemployment between waves.  

Some folks have criticized Congress for focusing on health care rather than jobs.  Speaker Pelosi, however, sees a connection.  The connection, again is domestic violence.  

Where’s the Color Purple? October Is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month    

1.3 million women experience domestic violence each year.  200,000 are diagnosed with breast cancer.    

You’d think with such a staggering disparity in statistics that our world each October would be awash with the color purple.    


 DV Quiz: What’s Your Life Worth?   

Answer:  $317.39 if you are one of the 2.3 million people who will experience domestic violence this year.      

Meanwhile, the Defense Department (DoD) wants to spend $130 billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year.  




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